Perspectives on COVID derived from research and experience with the treatment of HIV and AIDS by Dr. Monica Gandhi
Thursday, January 27th, 6:00-7:00pm PST on Zoom
Host: Harvard Clubs of Northern California
Please join the Harvard Clubs of northern California (San Francisco, Silicon Valley, and Sacramento) for a presentation by infectious disease doctor and epidemiologist Dr. Monica Gandhi, focusing on both coronaviruses and HIV. In particular, much of Dr. Gandhi’s recent commentary has been focused on how her extensive work with AIDS patients and the HIV epidemic has influenced her advice on COVID policies and the power of COVID vaccines.
Dr. Gandhi, who is a graduate of Harvard Medical School, is Professor of Medicine and Associate Division Chief of the Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine at UCSF / San Francisco General Hospital. She is also the Director of the UCSF Center for AIDS research and medical director of Ward 86, San Francisco General’s HIV clinic. Dr. Gandhi and her work were profiled in detail by the San Francisco Chronicle this past October. Earlier this month, she was interviewed again by the Chronicle and was also the co-author of this TIME magazine essay Rethinking COVID Restrictions For a World With Vaccines | Time.