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When a Harvard Alum is the CEO of Moderna Therapeutics, in the Race for the COVID-19 Vaccine
Lucky—Anil Nayar's Story: A Portrait of a Legendary Squash Champion
Norbert Seals (1959-2019)
Jan Gardiner (1935-2018)
Cirque Du Soleil 'Kooza' Discounted Performances
The Harvard Club of Miami is pleased to share the following offer for discounted tickets to Cirque Du Soleil performances of 'Kooza' through January 2, 2011.
Harvard Club of Miami Launches New Website
Our web address hasn't changed, but we've got a new look and new functionality!
Join Harvard Public Service on the Map
Register and check out what the Harvard community is doing in public service. From Gulu, Uganda, to Melbourne, Australia, we have alumni, students, and staff sharing their work in refugee camps, homeless shelters, and arts organizations.