The Harvard Club of Miami

cordially invites you to join us for a

Book Club Discussion

 "Stranger in the Shogun's City" by Amy Stanley

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

6:00pm - Webinar via Zoom

Please join us for our next book club session on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 6:00pm, according to our regular cadence on the third Tuesday of each month.

There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. Registration deadline Monday, April 16@ 5:00 pm. We welcome members from any Harvard Club to join us.

We look forward to you joining us for meaningful conversation, great company, and new experiences! To participate in the book club, please sign up via the button below to register for the event, order the book on your own, and read it in time for our group discussion.

Many thanks to our Book Club Steering Committee for their efforts in establishing this new Harvard Club of Miami activity: Jason Wong AB'10, Lynda Richards, PMD'81, Rob Rosen AB '74, JD '79 and Judith Rood Traum AB'62.



The daughter of a Buddhist priest, Tsuneno was born in a rural Japanese village and was expected to live a traditional life much like her mother’s. But after three divorces—and a temperament much too strong-willed for her family’s approval—she ran away to make a life for herself in one of the largest cities in the world: Edo, a bustling metropolis at its peak.

With Tsuneno as our guide, we experience the drama and excitement of Edo just prior to the arrival of American Commodore Perry’s fleet, which transformed Japan. During this pivotal moment in Japanese history, Tsuneno bounces from tenement to tenement, marries a masterless samurai, and eventually enters the service of a famous city magistrate. Tsuneno’s life provides a window into 19th-century Japanese culture—and a rare view of an extraordinary woman who sacrificed her family and her reputation to make a new life for herself, in defiance of social conventions.

When ordering books, we encourage our members to support local business if convenient. Thanks to Rob Rosen (AB ’74, JD ’79), we have secured a 20% discount on book club readings with Books & Books by utilizing the "HARVARD" promo code. You can order the hardcover or eBook editions from Books and Books HERE.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please reach out directly to our committee chair Jason Wong AB'10

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Join the club or renew your membership today by visiting HERE or email our club administrator HERE to request an application. (*) Harvard affiliates who join the Harvard Club when registering are eligible for Member pricing. Membership benefits include access and discounts to exclusive "but for Harvard" programs, cultural activities and social events; exclusive networking opportunities; connections through social media focused on professional and personal networking, career opportunities and job postings; and more.